Friday, February 15, 2008

date night

so josh's awesome date he had planned and reserved for over a week, came to a screeching halt. we had our sitter come over and we drove to temple which is about a half hour drive to go to our 8:00 dinner reservation. and as soon as we got there we were told all reservations were at least an hour or more behind. even if we would have wanted to wait outside we couldn't have because we had a sitter and it was a school night. so we got back in our car even before the valet had time to take it back. he said they overbooked by far. i wonder how many other people's valentine's they messed up. but you know sometimes things like that happen and we still had a great time, i mean we were together right? so we went to ihop! haha. pancakes it was! we had the most entertaining waitress. she was having a hard night because when she gave us our check she said she was going to the back to have a "drink". =) and we even got home early and had time to watch lost on DVR. so all in all we had a great night.


leslie said...

oh no! i'm sorry your date plan was foiled. it is hard to be romantic on the babysitter's time clock.

it is good to know you can still have fun doing nothing special - makes you feel like you're in high school again, dating with no money :)

Jaci Clark said...


Sorry your plans were a bust. Sometimes the best memories come out of moments like that! Glad you had fun anyway.


rebekah said...

I love me some date night. :)

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!